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A priori - from earlier; an argument derived from previous event
Ab initio - from the beginning; commonly used referring to the time a contract, statute, marriage, or deed become legal
Actus reus - guilty act; part of what proves criminal liability
Ad hoc - for this; generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, and not intended to be able to be adapted to other purposes
Ad infinitum - to infinity; to continue forever
Ad litem - for the suit; describes a party designated to represent another party who is deemed incapable of representing him/herself (e.g. a child or incapacitated adult)
Ad valorem - according to value
Animus noscendi - mind of harming; the subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behavior, and of its possible consequences
Animus possidendi - intention to posses
Animus revertendi - return to possessor
Bona fide - in good faith
Casus fortuitus - chance occurrence, unavoidable accident
Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware
Conditio sine qua non - a condition without which it could not be; an indispensable and essential action, condition, or ingredient.
Corpus delicti - body of the crime
De facto - concerning fact
De jure - concerning the law
De minimis - about minimal things
Duces tecum - bring with you
Ejusdem generis - of the same class
Erga omnes - towards all
Ergo - therefore
Et al. - among others
Ex officio - from the office
Ex parte - from the party
Ex post facto - from a thing done afterwards
Exclusio unius est exclusio alterios - the express mention of one thing excludes all others
Facio, ut facias - I do, that you may do
Gravamen - things weighing down
Ignorantia legis neminem excusat - ignorance of the law excuses no one
Imprimatur - let it be printed
In absentia - in absence
In articulo mortis - at the moment of death
In loco parentis - in the place of a parent
In pari delicto - in equal offense
In pari materia - in the same manner
In personam - in person
In re - in the matter of
In rem - about a thing
In toto - in total
Inter alia - among others
Inter vivos - between the living; refers to a gift or other non-sale transfer between living parties
Ipso facto - by the fact itself
Jus cogens - compelling law
Jus sanguinis - law of blood
Lex loci - the law of the place
Mens rea - guilty mind
Mora accipiendi - delay of the creditor
Mora solvendi - delay of the debtor
Mortis causa - after death
Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege - no crime, no punishment without a previous penal law
Obiter dictum - a thing said in the past
Pacta sunt servanda - agreements must be kept
Parens patria - parents of the nation; the power of the State to act as parent to a child when the legal parents are unable or unwilling
Pendente lite - when the litigation is pending
Persona non grata - unwelcome person
Posse commitatus - to have companion; body of armed citizens pressed into service by legal authority, to keep the peace or pursue a fugitive.
Prima facie - on the first appearance; a fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved
Pro hac vice - for this turn
Quantum meruit - what one has earned
Quasi - as if
Quid pro quo - this for that
Quo warranto - by what warrant; legal proceeding during which an individual's right to hold an office or governmental privilege is challenged
Ratio decidendi - ground or reason of decision; legal principle upon which the decision in a specific case is founded
Res gestae - things done; secondhand statements considered trustworthy for the purpose of admission as evidence in a lawsuit when repeated by a witness because they were made spontaneously and concurrently with an event
Res judicata - a thing adjudged; a rule that a final judgment on the merits by a court having jurisdiction is conclusive between the parties to a suit as to all matters that were litigated or that could have been litigated in that suit
Respondeat superior - let the master answer; common-law doctrine that makes an employer liable for the actions of an employee when the actions take place within the scope of employment
Salus populi est suprema lex - the safety of the people is the supreme law
Sine qua non - without which it could not be; (Torts) a causal connection exists between a particular act and an injury when the injury would not have arisen but for the act
Situs - the place
Stare decisis - to stand by a decision; the doctrine that a trial court is bound by appellate court decisions (precedents) on a legal question which is raised in the lower court
Status quo - the state in which—meaning the current or existing state of affairs
Sub judice - under judgement; a matter currently being considered by the court
Subpoena - under penalty
Subpoena ad testificandum - order compelling an entity to give oral testimony in a legal matter
Subpoena duces tecum - order compelling an entity to produce physical evidence in a legal matter
Sui generis - of its own kind
Supersedeas - you shall desist; an order (writ) by an appeals court commanding a lower court not to enforce or proceed with a judgment or sentence pending the decision on the appeal or until further order of the appeals court
Supra - above; in legal briefs and decisions it refers to the citation of a court decision which has been previously mentioned
Trial de novo - trial anew
Veto - I forbid; power of an executive to prevent an action, especially the enactment of a legislation
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